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Military Member

Title Transfers

In Okinawa

You need several documents whose are required by US Force hereunder;

1. SOFA driver's License

2. A letter of Attoney

3. A copy of PCS Order

In Yokota

From Buyer

  1. Military ID Card

  2. Current American Insurance

  3. Temporary License Plate and Inspection Sheet(if JCI inspection is expired)

  4. Valid Driver's Permit(USFJ form 4EJ)

From Seller

  1. Military ID Card

  2. Japanese Original Car Title(Shakensho)

  3. Current Japanese Compulsory Insurance(JCI)

  4. Remnant of Base Decal(USFJ form 15A/B)

  5. Current Road Tax Receipt

  6. Base Registration Form(374AW Form12)

  7. Bill of Sale from respective Vehicle Registration Office(VRO)(if Non-YAB SOFA)


If you have any questions, please contact us freely.

Civilian (OIST)

Owner Change

-Title Transfer-

You need to prepare paperwork underhere,

  • K car

Seller and buyer need to have each "Jumin Hyo", which is published by Town Hall within 3 months.

  • White Plate Car

Seller and buyer need to have each "Jumin Hyo"and "Inkan Shomei", which are published by Town Hall within 3 months.

Depends on the address, Buyer need to have a Parking Permission by Police Station. 

It is easy for us to have a picture of your car's Shaken Sho and Residence card, Front and back, we can give you a proper advice for it.

Please send us a request for your appointment.


In Okinawa

  1. 2 Letter of Attoneys

  2. Original Japanese Car Title  (Shakensho)

  3. American Car Title

  4. License Number Plates(Front&Back)

  5. JCI policy


In Yokota

  1. JN Title

  2. Remnant of Base Decal(USFJ Form 15A/B)

  3. Base Registration Form(374AW Form 12)

  4. Junk Receipt

  5. License Number Plates(Front&Back)

If you have any questions, please contact us freely.


In Okinawa

We will pay for your junk car.

Best prices on Okinawa!!

Contact us to find out how this works!

In Yokota

  1. Military ID Card

  2. JN Title

  3. Remnant of Base Decal(USFJ Form 15A/B)

  4. Base Registration Form(374AW Form12)

  5. Junk Receipt

  6. License Plate(Front&Back)

If you have any questions, please contact us freely.

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